Physical chemistry has played a key role in the development on modern society. Therefore, a regular meeting between chemists and physicists is needed to show the state-of-the-art of high technologies on each division, especially in this cross-border location.
The EUCOR European campus, comprising the Universities of Strasbourg (2017 Host), Basel, Freiburg, Haute-Alsace and the Karlsruhe Institute for Technology, and a potential of 15,000 teacher-researchers, 11,000 doctoral students and 115,000 students is an asset to promote the exchange of French, German and Swiss scientific communities. In this regard, the colloquium will be a step forward to emerge different educational systems, point of views and thinking diversity to enhance the forefront solutions for the global society.

The colloquium aims to:
- Bring together young physicists and chemists from the EUCOR Universities
- Discusse tomorrow's solutions to energy transition
- Network and career development across the Rhine
- Aware to entrepreneurship
Audience: Postdoctoral fellows, PhD and Master Students
Domains: Physical Chemistry, Catalysis, Polymers, Energy