
About the colloquium > Invited Speakers

Invited Speakers


Opening Ceremony 

Christopher Mueller

Pedagogic responsible of the International Ph.D. Program (PDI) and

Research director (CNRS) at the laboratory of Immunologie et Chimie Thérapeutiques in Strasbourg


Véronique Bulach

Delegated vice-president of doctoral formation and

Professor at the laboratory of "Tectonique Moleculaire" in Strasbourg


Aurelle Garnier

Coordinator of EUCOR Campus of the University of Strasbourg


Plenary Talk


Dr. Charles Hirlimann

He majored in solid-state physics and later acquired competence in laser physics. He pioneered the use of femtosecond lasers applied to ultrafast spectroscopy of solids being at the time assistant professor at University Pierre and Marie Curie in Paris. He then joined CNRS and moved to the Institut for Physics and Chemistry of Materials in Strasbourg (IPCMS) where he initiated femtosecond studies. His interest spanned from the ultrafast spectroscopy of electrons in semiconductors to basics researches in non-linear optics. In the recent past, he served two years as an expert in nanomaterials for the European scientific policy of CNRS and the International policy for Physics. He is presently interested in tomographic electron microscopy at the nanoscale. He wrote the book "Vive le Nucléaire?" and he is currently writing a book on the same topic as the present conference.


   Table Round


Dr. Dominic Bresser

Postdoctoral fellow at Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU)

Prior to this, postdoctoral position and Enhanced Eurotalents Fellowship at the Commissariat a` l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives (CEA) in Grenoble, France in the group of Dr. Sandrine Lyonnard



 Dr. Andreas Ehinger

Scientific Management Unit of IFP Energies nouvelles (IFPEN) where he is particularly in charge of overseeing IFPEN's programs for hosting master students, PhD candidates and postdoctoral researchers

Director of Doctoral Training at IFP School



Dr. Anne-Cécile Roger

Professor at the University of Strasbourg at the "Institut de Chimie et Procédés pour l'Énergie, l'Environnement et la Santé".

Treasurer of the Division of Catalysis in the association "Société Chimique de France"

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